or when using in a folder

Blog URL: Enter the full URL of your site. In the example, I used a folder. Don't foget the / at the end.
Subdomain: Check if you use a subdomain. Otherwise, the Blog URL will be used to determine if you use www or non-www.
Blog folder on the domain: You can optionally use the blog in a domain's folder. Just enter the folder name only.
Server folder: In most cases, it's the same as the Blog Folder. If you use Blog Folder, "enter" will enter the value for you.
Blog name: This is the name of the your blog. The name will be used in the ...\Generated Blog folder.
Tagline: This is the tag line of your blog.
Meta keywords: It mention to search engines(less now) or any other sites what keywords your blog is about.
Meta description: It mention to search engines(less now) or any other sites a short description of your blog.
User name, Password: You may want to keep the information(Control Panel) of your blog here to login to your host.
User name, Password(FTP): You may want to keep the FTP information of your blog here to login to your host.
Author: This is the name of the author that will manage the blog.
Email: This is the email used in the contact, comments...
Theme folder: It's the folder of the theme that will be used to generate the blog. Those are the source files.
Number of Posts shown: It's the number of posts that will be shown on the main page(default 10). The maximum value is 99.
Number of Recent Posts: It's the number of recent posts that will be shown(default 10). The maximum value is 999 if you use an auction theme.
Number of Posts in the RSS: It's the number of posts in the RSS feed(default 10). The maximum value is 10.
URL: You can generate the URL for the blog using the blog name.
Example: <a href="http://www.mcgrathinfosolution.com/msb_example/" title="My Starter Blog Example" target="_blank">My Starter Blog Example</a>
BBcode: You can generate the BBcode for the blog using the blog name. Use it to create in a signature on forums.
Example: [url=http://www.mcgrathinfosolution.com/msb_example/]My Starter Blog Example[/url]
List posts: List the URLs only of the published post. It's mostly for adding bookmarks easier in BMD.