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Current beta version: 1.5.0b2 (2006-04-06)  

The IMDB 2 MIS (I2M) can take the plain text data files from the Internet Movie Database (optional) to create it's own local database. From that, you can point to the folders of your recorded movies to create .MIS (it creates automatically around 90% of the information that you won't have to write yourself) or you can do a search for a movie.  Can also be used for creating .MIS for other video files without the IMDB files.

Key Benefits

  •  Consultation offline (text only) when no internet connection is available or possible
  •  With the IMDB information, you will get a better appreciation/insight of the movie
  •  Gives more information than an Electronic Program Guide can give
  •  Creates easily an .MIS even if no IMDB data is used (Description, Codec (.AVI information), URL)
  •  FREE, No spyware or adware 


IMDB 2 MIS V1.5.0b2, 8.8 MB, 2006-04-06 (removed previous version and folder before installing and backup the \data folder or it will be deleted)

(e.g. C:\Program Files\McGrath Info Solution\IMDB 2 MIS)

What's new



    Import Movies:

  •  Add: Load and Save the selection of the imported .LIST

    Search Movies:

  •  Change:  In the main grid:  new Chapter column. For testing MIS Info Video v2.0 (with new internal player), we wanted the application to generate for us a series of chapters. Just enter a number and the duration will be divided by that much. The first chapter is always "00:00:00". If you remake the .MIS, the chapters won't be overwritten unless you re-enter a value.
  •  Change: MIS  will now sort the content by filename (e.g. Picture, Picture I0001, Picture I0002...)
  •  Web Browser page: the Description (long) button will copy the content from the clipboard into the corresponding field.
  •  Web Browser page: the Next picture name(.jpg) is now longer if you enlarge the form.



  •  May had trouble when using Windows XP with a foreign code page (now 1252 in config.fpw).

     Search Movies:

  •  The rating-age tag in the .MIS will take the first certificate when no certificate is found for the country
  •  In MIS, when Part was not empty, there was a error after a second update.

v1.5.0b1 (2006-03-15)



  •  Change: When installing, an empty database is already created
  •  Change: Database engine was updated to Service Pack 1

    Import Movies:

  •  Add: Invert the selection of the imported .LIST
  •  Change: When a From year is entered, the folder (e.g. data2003) is now created at the same level as the data folder source
  •  Change: The order of the .LIST was slightly changed to make it easier to make a specific selection

    Search Movies:

  •  Change:  Multiple columns in the main grid:  modify rating age, Content type(e.g. video, Podcast,DVD...),  Part, Season, Episode, Episode number, Original date (RightClick to select a date), Genre and view the Codec information (detect more types/info)
  •  Add: Play button that will launch the application associated to the extension
  •  Add: rottentomatoes.com and yahoo movies in the Search Web
  •  Change: Refresh  will search the folders for video_ts.ifo and assign the parent folder name (e.g. D:\DVDripped\Movie1\VIDEO_TS = Movie1 in the Search For)
  •  Change: When a year is in the Search For, it's now 6-7 times faster and result in less movie choices
  •  Change: Visual row persistence in the grids
  •  Change: URL changed for Source URL
  •  New page: Web Browser: the Source URL button will copy the current URL from the browser into the corresponding grid column. Right clicking on the suggested picture name (path included) will populated the clipboard. If you find a picture on the web that you like that represent the content (e.g. DVD cover), just select it in the browser and use the Save as picture and paste (Control-V) the name from the clipboard.



  •  Clicking of some grid headers with greater than 100 characters would crashed
  •  Some of the links within the application did not work after we changed our host web server OS

    Import Movies:

  •  In DIRECTORS.LIST,  they changed something that would hang the application at 100%
  •  When distributing from a specific year, much less space will be taken now
  •  When Reindex, it showed 9/8 but should had been 9/9
  •  When importing the AKA-TITLES.LIST, a title may be there 5 times with only the country part that is different, they are still imported (faster) but taken into consideration when writing the .MIS

    Search Movies:

  •  The app-name tag in the .MIS will be updated with the version number of the application
  •  In Search For, if the word did not exist in any title, the application would be in a loop
  •  Importing .NFO, .TXT when creating the .MIS, no longer trim the space at the left, only at the right


  •  This is the first public beta (test) version because of the DIRECTORS.LIST bug reported to us by www.i2mfan.com. It's mostly stable but it may crashed on certain page when using the integrated web browser (IE6 object). We wanted to wait until the launch of MIS Info Video 2.0(soon) and the next major revision of the MIS Specification but did not have a choice.
  •  A full documentation (support page) will be written at the end of the beta.


Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Processor: Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
Memory: 128 MB minimum
Hard disk space: up to 3 GB of free space (see support page)
Video: 800X600
Input: Keyboard and Mouse

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Last modified: 02/01/09