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Key Benefits  Download What's new Requirements

Current version: 0.9.0 (2005-11-02)

The TV 2 MIS (T2M) will take the TV listing generated from XMLTV (v0.5.40) to create it's own local database. After that, you select your recorded shows/movies to create a .MIS (it creates automatically around 90% of the information that you won't have to write yourself) or you can simply do a search for a movie/show. We suggest that you use Info2MIS for even more information about your movies.

Key Benefits

  •  Consultation offline when no internet connection is available or possible
  •  Creates easily an .MIS (Description, Codec (.AVI information))
  •  FREE, No spyware or adware 


TV 2 MIS V0.9.0, 8.1 MB, 2005-11-02


What's new



  •  The primary goal of this version is to create a .MIS of your recorded movies/shows. You should keep the .XML (e.g. GuideYYYYMMDD.XML) If you want to be able to track shows (available in a future version) as the database is not final(v0.9.0) and might not be compatible (other grabbers features).
  •  Support the following grabber: tv_grab_na_dd. (We will support other grabbers. Contact us first to summit a grabber sample file.
  •  Will convert Part 0/2, 1/2 with 1/2, 2/2


  •  None


  •  Some of the links within the application might not work, add .htm at the end of the link


Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Processor: Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
Memory: 128 MB minimum
Hard disk space: 25 Mo of free space
Video: 800X600
Input: Keyboard and Mouse

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Last modified: 01/14/08