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is made via email only

New features will be taken into consideration for future versions. But if you do encounter an error do email us.


Do I get a registered version when I register AuctionSiteWriter?

No. You will get a custom personalized keyfile to unblock the registered features. When you receive it, you will need to save it in the AuctionSiteWriter folder. For example:

C:\Program Files\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter

You won't have to do anything else after that. We strongly recommend that you make a backup for safe keeping.

This is the message you will see (with v1.0.1+) when you open the AuctionSiteWriter next time.

The keyfile does not work and still have the free version?

Make sure that your shortcut Start in:

"C:\Program Files\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter"

To verify that: Right-Click on the AuctionSiteWriter shortcut, click on Properties, and look at the middle of the new form for Start in:


I did not received my keyfle yet and it's been more than 48 hours?

You should check that it's not in your spam folder. It may have been block my your antivirus software. 

Where are my templates, BANS, RSS files ....saved?

They are located into your Document folder for easier backup. If you need to make a backup , copy the McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter

I'm having a message error and AuctionSiteWriter exit?

The error files are located into your AuctionSiteWriter folder. We may asked you to send it to us so that we can help you better find a solution to that error.  For example:

C:\Program Files\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\ASW_ERR_FREE_20080626120000_001.MIS or something similar.




Before you can start working with AuctionSiteWriter(ASW),  you need to enter some information first.

Tools - Options ....

ClickBank ID: It is your affiliate ID given by ClickBank(Free) when you registered with them. Since you will  probably be using BANS, you will want to make money from webmasters interested on adding their own BANS to their new or existing sites. On a BANS, the link is at the bottom of the page thus the last thing they see before leaving your site. 

Bookmarking Demon Files folder: It's the folder where you have saved all your log files(.txt) when using Bookmarking Demon. We suggest using a folder other than the installation folder of Bookmarking Demon. Other BMD related files(bmd.xml, working_scuttle.xml...) will be written there too. More on that below.

phpBay API default folder: It's the folder where you have saved the original files of phpBay API. It important because ASW will copy those files and change some of them for you when building a quick phpBay API auction site(more later).


Tools - Write an auction site - Template

First, you will need to create your own template. template_default is only an example for you to start you off. If your are using Niche Store Writer, ASW is using the same basic tags and some new ones like mainword and listword(see List of tags) . You just need to copy the code from Niche Store Writer or create your own.

Products per page is 30.

Home and Page Extra Keywords, Page Description: It's the words used for the metatags of the page. It will be used by some search engines. Don't enter HTML code.

Home  and Page Above and Below Products: You can enter the template code and text here with your HTML code too.  <b> will be replaced by <strong> once you exit the HTML code.

For the Page - Xxxxx, only word1 wiil be use. If you use word2..., no replacement will be done.

Display code: If your are not using BANS, you will need to enter the code from the eBay free Widget. The code is a long javascript line that you must build on eBay first. It will become your default display code. ASW will then replace some values in that line with the new values. Those variable are:

For eBay free Widget:

&num=: It's the number of  products per page
&query=: Those are the keywords that will be search for.
&catid=: That's the category from eBay
&title=: That's the title shown on the eBay Widget
&track=: That's the campaign ID for tracking

Note: The registered version can have more than one template and up to 100 words.

Preview: Open your default browser to simulate the generated HTML code. Niche Store Writer is better for that task.


You may want to watch the video first to give you a better overview of ASW.


Once the above configuration steps(options, template) have been done, you can start to enter the information about your auction site(BANSphpBay API or eBay free widget).

Tools - Write an auction site - Site information

Site URL: Enter the full URL of your site. In the example, I used a folder.

Site Name: Enter the name of the store

Main word: Enter the main keyword you will be using for the store

Username and Password: To make it faster for you to login each time, you can enter that information. It's only used for BANS.

EPN Campaign ID:  You will need those values since it's used for tracking. 

EPN Campaign name: phpBay API will also need that value.

Category Number: This is main category from Ebay you will be using. It will be used also for the each keywords too. A keyword can have it's own category (ex. 4444).

Word: Enter up to 100 keywords you will be using for the site. You can use the other columns.  In the example below, the first 3 keywords are shown. Notice that cheap pink paintball was being typed. The URL of the page(cheap-pink-paintball) and the anchor will also be that.

Note: The registered version has 100 keywords(1 word with the free version), you can save more than one site information, generate a bmd.xml an RSS files...


After cheap pink paintball was entered, ASW added the dash (cheap-pink-paintball) to be Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) friendly. It also created the anchor text  cheap pink paintball. When URL is empty, the Word is used by default

For the other 2 keywords, Word 2 was used by default for both the URL and Anchor (Enter, Enter) and Word 3 only had the anchor text changed(buy blue pyjamas).

The lower part:

Categories(1): This will open the default browser to the Normal categories or Motor categories.

Generate site(2):
If you decide to not use BANS, you can let ASW build your auction site for you by using MSB eBay Plugin from NicheMate, phpBay API or eBay Widget. The site will be quick and simple and based on the information you have given including the keywords. Those 3 methods don't require any MySQL database.

The files for your site will be created in your Document folder:

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\eBay Widget Basic\[site title]

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\phpBay API Basic\[site title]

With MSB eBay Plugin from NicheMate

If you have MyStarterBlog the blog will be generated

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\MyStarterBlog\Blog\[blog files]

With phpBay API :

    If you use a subfolder on your domain, you will need to change the .htaccess file. For example, we had to add the demo folder:

    RewriteBase /phpbayapidemo instead of the default RewriteBase /


Load/Save (3): You can load/save the auction site information under a different name if your want.

URL(4): You can generate the URL(see below) for the keywords using the anchor texts. The information will be displayed in the section 10.

BBcode(5): You can generate the BBcode(see below) for the keywords using the anchor texts. The information will be displayed in the section 10. It's perfect if you can use it in a signature on  forums.

bmd.xml(6): You can generate a Bookmarking Demon xml file(bmd.xml) for you to import with an option to Hide links with 3 new links per word. When you check Hide Links, the metadata will also be imported so you don't have to enter the information again. In Bookmarking Demon, click Bookmark URL, Load URL and select the file bmd.xml

RSS(7):  You can generate a RSS feed(bans_rss.xml) based on the keywords used that you can add to your auction site.

The RSS file for your site will be created in your Document folder:

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\RSS\[site title]

Import Anchors(8):  You can enter the anchors(one per line) in section 10.  For example, "cheap pink paintball" will give cheap-pink-paintball for the URL and Cheap Pink Paintball for the Keyword.




Export Anchors(9): If you want a list of anchor keywords, you can export them to section 10. The list can then be imported in Domain Dashboard  so you can track the performance of those keywords in search engines.


Tools - Write an auction site - Browser


When the Username and Password are entered, you just need to click on Login from ASW. Once login, you can click on Setup from ASW(see below) and the information will be entered for you. It will override certain fields.


You can click on Home from ASW and the information will be entered for you.  It will override certain fields.


To enter the rest of the information(contents above and below), you must use additional steps. By default, the clipboard is already populated with the HTML Above Products content for page

Now, you see the resulting for the Above Products.

For the Below Products content, it's the same page except you must click on Paste first


Now, you see the result for the Below Products.


For the store pages, you must select the Keyword (Red Surfboard) first. Once you did, click on Store pages and a new page will be created. Like the Home page, the information will be filled and you will need to do the same steps for the Above and Below Products.


Select another Word, and repeat the steps.

Tools - Bookmarking Demon Tools - Bookmarks

For those using Bookmarking Demon with or without an auction site(BANSphpBay API or eBay free widget), you can use this tools for bookmarking a blog post for example..

Enter up to 5 URL with an Anchor for the title. You can Hide links with 3 new links per URL and replace the description with the keywords. 


Tools - Write an auction site - Analyze


If you have kept the log files after each Bookmarking Demon run, you can have them analyze by ASW to find where your submission are being denied. For example, when you click on the Failed column header, you would see that the first scuttle site is refusing my bookmarks 100% of the time. You must need more than one to see if a pattern exist. The site maybe down for a few days or being moved. The log files can have more than one credentials.

Credentials: You need to enter the credentials first(ex. user:password) if you want to generate a Working Scuttle xml file.

Working Scuttle will generate a xml scuttle profile (working_scuttle.xml) of those that gave you at least 1 successful submission.

Scuttle List will generate a text file of working scuttle(scuttle_list.txt). You can then give it to someone else or use it for backup.

Note: The registered version give you the Working Scuttle and Scuttle List.

Tools - Google Trends


Extract: It will use the current RSS feed from Google Trends. At this point, no other values(Peak, Google, Yahoo) are given until it's Analyze(see below). Depending on your auction site, a trend might have an impact on it. It could be a celebrity scandal that could lower the price of itens or the discontinuation of a rare item that could raise it's price.

Compare: If you have saved the last extraction, you can compare it with the one that you just extracted. This will tell you if a trend is rising, declining or new. 

In the example below, trend's 1, 2,9 and 10 are new. Trend's 3,4,7,8 are declining and trend's 5,6 is increased.

Save/Load: You can save or load the extraction for later comparison.

Report: Since the information is not live, you can generate a report that will show you if the trend is going up or down. The advantage is that you don't have to go to each trend. If you click on the title or the graphic, you will be taken to that trend.

The grid:

The grid has 10 columns. You can click on the header to get an ascending or descending order except for the Todays' Trend or Lifetime Trend.

Order: That's the current position in the trend. Number 1 is the best.

Prev.: That's the previous position in the trend. You must do a comparison first and save the last extraction.

Hotness: That's a word describing the level of hotness. For example, Number 1 can be Volcanic. The other possible values are: on fire, spicy, medium, mild.

Title: That's the title of the trend. If could be a product, person's name, website ...

    Note: If you do visit a trend, be careful since it could be a trap and get infected. They might show you a video but you need to download a "special video codec". That's one way you can be infected by a virus but mostly by a spyware. You can also have your computer turned into a zombie. Your computer is then used for spamming, denial of service attacks, ....

Peak: It's the last recorded time when the trend was at it's highest.  A trend can still be rising.

Google, Yahoo, MSN: Those are results found on each search engines after it's Analyzed(see below). Double-clicking on the column will bring up the result in the Browser.

Todays' Trend: It will show you the today's trend in the Browser.

Lifetime Trend: It will show you the lifetime trend in the Browser.

Tools - Google Trends - Browser

Analyze: You can analyze the trends thus getting more information.  This can take a few minutes.



All: To save you some time, you can also analyze less trends.

Google, Yahoo, MSN: This will get the number of results for each checked search engines. Un-checking a search engine will save you some time.


Tools - Site Statistics

This is an exclusive for registered users.

Tools - Site Statistics - Statistics

Main grid:

The grid has 15 columns. You can click on the header to get an ascending or descending order.

Check: Click to select the site(s) so to perform an action

Site: It's the site that you want statistics for.

PR,PageRank: That's the visible PageRank of the site in text and  with a graphic

Prev.: That's the differrence(+ or -) since the last PR analysis was done. You don't need to do it every time since Google updates it every 2-3 months.

Created/Expires: It's the dates from the Whois service. The provider must support Whois Server Version 2.0. Otherwise, a secondary Whois service is used but might banned your IP if overused .

Age: It's the age based from the Whois service.

Analyzed: It's the date of the last analysis.

Google, Yahoo, MSN(indexed, backlinks): Those are results found on each search engines after it's Analyzed(see below). Double-clicking on the column will bring up the result in the Browser.

Below the grid:

Minus: To remove a site.

Total:  Total of sites in the grid.

All, None, Invert, Delete: To apply the the action on the selected sites.

Name: To name a group of sites. For example, My Sites(default) could be all you sites while Auction BANS could be all the auction sites using the BANS script.

Load/Save: To load or save the  grouping of sites.

Import sites: Once you have entered your list(one per line) of sites without the http:// in the region below it, clicking on the button will create a line per site in the main grid.

Note: You can use www. or not. This will depend on what you used the most. You can also add both: www.mcgrathinfosolution.com and mcgrathinfosolution.com. If you buy a pre-owned domain, you will see what the previous owner used for linking back to the site.

Export sites: Will build the list (one per line) in the edit region below.

Keywords: Enter the keywords(one per line) you want to track the position in the search engines.

Tools - Site Statistics - Keywords

Main grid:

The grid has 7 columns. You can click on the header to get an ascending or descending order.

Site: It's the name of the site

Keyword: It's the keyword

Analyzed: It's the date of the last analysis.

Google, Yahoo: It's the keyword position in the search engine based on the first 100 results. Number 1 is the best position.

Google(URL), Yahoo(URL): It's the name of the URL where the search engine found your keyword first.

Tools - Site Statistics - Browser

Analyse: Once you selected what statistics you wanted, click on the button will start

All/Current Site/Selected: You can analyse all sites, the current site or all those that were selected.

Delay: To lessen the risk of geting banned by search engines, you can add some seconds between process.

PageRank, Whois Date, Pages Indexed, Backlinks, Keywords: This is the kind of statistics you can have.

Google, Yahoo, MSN: Those are the search engines used to get statistics for your sites. MSN does not work with keywords.

Tools - Sitemap.xml PageRank Checker

This is an exclusive for registered users.

Tools - Sitemap.xml PageRank Checker - Statistics

Main grid:

The grid has 7columns. You can click on the header to get an ascending or descending order.

Check: Click to select the site(s) so to perform an action

Site: It's the URLs of the site that you want statistics for.

PR,PageRank: That's the visible PageRank of the site in text and  with a graphic

Modified: It's the dates from the Whois service. The provider must support Whois Server Version 2.0. Otherwise, a secondary Whois service is used but might banned your IP if overused .

Google, Yahoo, MSN( backlinks): Those are results found on each search engines after it's Analyzed(see below). Double-clicking on the column will bring up the result in the Browser.

Below the grid:

Total:  Total of URLs in the grid.

All, None, Invert, PageRank: To apply the the action on the selected sites.

Web: Will open the current URL with your default brownser.

Import sites: Once you have entered your site with the http:// in the region below it, clicking on the button will import the sitemap.xml of the site in the main grid. When using Fast Blog Finder(free/paid) to find posts with dofollow PageRank, you can find other posts with PageRank by entering the main URL of the site. If they got 1 dofollow posts, they might have others.

Tools - Sitemap.xml PageRank Checker - Backlinks

Main grid:

The grid has 3 columns. You can click on the header to get an ascending or descending order.

Site: It's the URL of the site

PR,PageRank: That's the visible PageRank of the site in text and  with a graphic

Below the grid:

Previous/Next:  Navigate to show the backlinks in relation to the main URL(statistics).

Web: Will open the current URL backlink with your default brownser.

Tools - Sitemap.xml PageRank Checker - Browser

Analyse: Once you selected what statistics you wanted, click on the button will start

All/Current Site/Selected: You can analyse all sites, the current site or all those that were selected.

Delay: To lessen the risk of geting banned by search engines, you can add some seconds between process.

PageRank,  Backlinks: This is the kind of statistics you can have.

Note: Backlinks will also find the PageRank of each Google backlinks for the first 100 only.

Google, Yahoo, MSN: Those are the search engines used to get statistics for your sites.

Tools - Plugin Code Builder

This is an exclusive for registered users.

Tools - Plugin Code Builder - Parameters

If you use the  phpBay Wordpress plugin, you can create the code need for inserting in your post. Refer to  phpBay Wordpress plugin documentation.

Tools - Article Spinner

This is an exclusive for registered users.

Tools - Article Spinner - Original article

Edit area:

You write, edit or paste the original article here.

Article: Name of the article that will be saved.

Import: This will import the current article in the the Write line variations tab.

If you decided to click again, it will redo the import. Make sure that you are satisfy with the article first.

Words: That's number of words in the article

Tools - Article Spinner - Write line variations

Main Grid:

Each line of the article is imported in the grid. You can have up to 3 other variations of each line(not editable).

Line 1, 2, 3,4: This is where you can rewrite each line of the article.

Tools - Article Spinner - Spin article (Syndicate Kahuna)

Spin article (Syndicate Kahuna)

Spin article


Edit area:

This is the spinned article.

SK: This is where you can spin an article for Syndicate Kahuna. Notice the [spin] [/spin]

Spin: This is where you can spin an article.

Words: That's number of words in the article.




v2.0.1 (2008-12-16)  



    This is a stable version.


v2.0.0 (2008-12-15)  


  •  Add: Article spinner  (new form):  You write an article and then write line variations to get more spinned articles from it.  You must click on SK to have your spinned article in a format for Syndicate Kahuna(free/paid). It's only available to registered users.


    This is a stable version.The documentation was not updated.


v1.3.0 (2008-11-13)  


  •  Add: Sitemap.xml PageRank Checker (new form):  When using Fast Blog Finder(free/paid) to find posts with PageRank, you can find other posts with PageRank by entering the URL. The blog need a sitemap.xml to work.  You can also find the backlinks(optional) to those pages.
  •  Add: Plugin Code Builder (new form): Help you build the code needed to add on your blog when you use phpBay Wordpress plugin
  •  Change: When getting the Google results for indexed pages, instead of getting the first 10 results(default), ASW get's the first 100 results thus the number will be more real. Otherwise, it showed more results than the reality. 


    This is the final version. Documentation coming later


v1.2.0 (2008-10-16)  


  •  Change: Site Statistics Analysis (new form).  It will partly replace Domain Dashboard(paid). ASW does not use Cpanel or WHM thus indepedent of the host. It will give the PageRank, Whois Dates, Indexed page Backlinks, Keyword tracking for each site. It's only available to registered users.
  •  Add: Added way to group sites together sites/keywords, added a Delay so that search engines don't banned your IP, added the first link where the keyword was found


  •  Fix the Yahoo results since Yahoo changed the siteexplorer since the last beta.


    This is the final version. A 6 minutes Flash video is available on the server from the first beta.  The basics are there but the form has been upgraded. Since you can group sites, it's recommend to Export sites and save it to a text file before upgrading from the beta. You will be able to Import Sites by just pasting the sites.



v1.2.0B1 (2008-10-01)  


  •  Add: Site Statistics Analysis (new form).  It will partly replace Domain Dashboard(paid). It does not use Cpanel or WHM thus indepedent of the host. It will give the PageRank, Whois Dates, Indexed page Backlinks, Keyword tracking for each site. It's only available to registered users.


    This is an beta version. No documentation was added for the new feature. However, a 6 minutes Flash video is available on the server.



v1.1.0 (2008-07-14)  


  •  Add: Google Trends Analysis (new form).
  •  Add: Support for phpBay API  and  eBay Widget(free)  for creating a quick auction site.
  •  Add: Check for updates
  •  Add: Support up to 100 words


    This is an official version with a summary of the major additions made during the previous betas. The documentation was added for the new features.


v1.1.0B2 (2008-07-07)  


  •  Change: Google Trends. A lot of modifications/additions have been done like choosing only 1 or 2 search engines to get the number of results found in each. You can select to analyze the 5,10,25 or 50 first trends. You can click on the header of the grid to view the results in ascending or descending order. Added 2 new columns to go to Today's Trend or lifetime Trend. The Report had been change to be more useful showing more information of clicking on the graphic to go directly to the trend.
  •  Change: Write an auction site. Better basic support for phpBay API and eBay Widget(free). It can now create a basic site using the keywords too. New parameters(EPN Campaign Id, EPN Campaign Name)  and Display code in the Template to hold the eBay widget code have been added to use those values needed. 2 example sites were made using the new option: phpBay Demo and eBay Demo. More information on both in the notes. A new combobox was added to open the 2 categories(Normal, Motors) page.
  •  Change: Options... added phpBay API default Folder. This is the original phpBay API  files that will be use to create the site. They must not have been modified to work.



    This a beta version and you may experience troubles. No documentation was added for the new features. It will give you an ideal of thinks to come.

    With phpBay API :

    If you use a subfolder on your domain, you will need to change the .htaccess files. In the example, we had to add the demo folder:

    RewriteBase /phpbayapidemo instead of the default RewriteBase /

    You also need to EPN Campaign Id, EPN Campaign Name values

    With eBay Widget :

    You will need to become a member of eBay to be able to use the EPN Widgets(Editor's tool kit). Once you created the "display" look you want, you will need to copy the code(long javascript line) in Display code in the Template. Variables will be change to the main keyword and product pages. 

The files for your site wll be created in your Document folder:

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\eBay Widget Basic\[site title]

C:\Users\Name here\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\AuctionSiteWriter\phpBay API Basic\[site title]

v1.1.0B1 (2008-07-01)  


  •  Add: Google Trends Analysis (new form). You can check if a trend could impact one of your site thus adding an items that might be in demand. For each trend, you can get the number of results on Google, Yahoo or MSN. You also can generate a Report that will show you the graphic(from Google) of each trend on one page. Those at the bottom might be coming up or be already on the downfall. You can also see the lifetime trend.
  •  Add: Domain Dashboard and phpBay Plugin/API to the third party tools
  •  Add: BBCode to generate anchor links for your signature in forums.
  •  Add: Import a list of anchors. Just type them your anchor text below the Import Anchors with one per line. Click the button and it will populate the Keyword and URL too with the same value. For example, "cheap pink paintball" will give cheap-pink-paintball for the URL and Cheap Pink Paintball for the Keyword.
  •  Add: Export Anchors so that you can add them into Domain Dashboard to track your keyword rankings.
  •  Add: phpBay API Basic will generate a index.php using the main keyword only. You will need to modify a 1 file from phpBay API bare bone site until you have time for it. We suggest that you create a template just for that.
  •  Add: In the menu, you can Check for updates
  •  Change: You can now have up to 100 words. The previous was 3 words. This is for those that can't afford too many domains yet or want to increase the selections per site.
This is a test version. You may experience problems but it's there to give a taste of things to come. Not documented yet.


  •   This a beta version and you may experience troubles. No documentation was added for the new features. It will give you an ideal of thinks to come.


v1.0.1 (2008-06-27)  


  •  Add: Fast Blog Finder to the third party tools
  •  Change: free and registered message in the main title bar. It will make it easier to see if the keyfile was copied in the right folder


  •  Analyzing Bookmarking Demon logs did not worked in some situation
  •  When creating a Home page for a BANS site, the main word(example widget)  did not populated the field on the page
  •  Delete some temporary files


  •   We recommend that you update to this version
  •  Corrected a bug when MIV was started before the Profile Manager after the initial installation. The second time, MIV was correct


v1.0.0 (2008-06-23)

    Official launch


Copyright © 1998-2009 McGrath Info Solution. All rights reserved. All company and/or product names may be trade names, trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. You can contact us at:
Last modified: 02/01/09